LCM of 45 and 115

What is the LCM of 45 and 115?

LCM of 45 and 115

is 1035

Formula How to

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What is the Least Common Multiple of 45 and 115? The LCM, or Least Common Multiple, is a mathematical concept that represents the smallest number that is a multiple of two or more numbers. In other words, it's the smallest positive integer that is divisible by all the numbers in a given set.

The LCM is often used in solving problems involving fractions, ratios, and gcd (greatest common divisor). To find the LCM of two or more numbers, you can use various methods such as listing the multiples of each number, finding the prime factorization of each number, and using division algorithms. Once you have the LCM, you can use it to simplify expressions, convert between fractions and decimals, and solve problems involving ratios and proportions.

To find LCM (Least Common Multiple) between two numbers, mainly there are two methods available, Those are-

1. GCF Method: To find the LCM value using GCF method, use the simple formula-

lcm(a,b) =
(a × b)/gcf(a,b)


  • a = First integer value;
  • b = Second integer value;
  • gcf = Greatest common factor;

2. Prime Factorization Method: Find the prime factors of both number and then multiply of all the highest exponent prime factors value, you will get the LCM value.

For calculation, here's how to calculate LCM of 45 and 115 using those formula above, step by step instructions are given below

GCF Method:

  1. Input the value as per formula.
    lcm(45,115) =
    (45 × 115)/gcf(45,115)
  2. Calculate the numerator part and find the GCF of 45 and 115 in the denominator part.
    lcm(45,115) =
  3. After reduce the fraction, you will get the LCM value. Which is,

Prime Factorization Method:

  1. Find the prime factors of the first number 45.
    3, 3, 5
  2. Find the prime factors of the second number 115.
    5, 23
  3. Multiply all the highest exponent prime factors is the LCM value. Which is,

Number LCM GCF
45 & 110 990 5
45 & 111 1665 3
45 & 112 5040 1
45 & 113 5085 1
45 & 114 1710 3
45 & 115 1035 5
45 & 116 5220 1
45 & 117 585 9
45 & 118 5310 1
45 & 119 5355 1
45 & 120 360 15

LCM (Least Common Multiple) of 45 and 115 is 1035.

SCM (Smallest Common Multiple) of 45 and 115 is 1035.