Bigha Conversion

Convert Bigha to other Land Units

is equal to

Bigha is a traditional historical unit of land area measurement, commonly used in India, Bangladesh, and Nepal. Bigha has no standard size. The size of one bigha varies considerably from space to time.

Compare values between unit Bigha with other Land measurement units.

Unit Conversion Value
Acre Bigha to Acre 1 Bigha = 0.330579 Acre
Ankanam Bigha to Ankanam 1 Bigha = 200 Ankanam
Are Bigha to Are 1 Bigha = 13.3781 Are
Biswa Bigha to Biswa 1 Bigha = 10.6667 Biswa
Cent Bigha to Cent 1 Bigha = 33.0578 Cent
Centiare Bigha to Centiare 1 Bigha = 1337.8 Centiare
Chatak Bigha to Chatak 1 Bigha = 320 Chatak
Decimal Bigha to Decimal 1 Bigha = 33.0578 Decimal
Dunam Bigha to Dunam 1 Bigha = 1.33781 Dunam
Feddan Bigha to Feddan 1 Bigha = 0.318525 Feddan
Gaj Bigha to Gaj 1 Bigha = 1600 Gaj
Gajam Bigha to Gajam 1 Bigha = 1600 Gajam
Gonda Bigha to Gonda 1 Bigha = 16.6667 Gonda
Ground Bigha to Ground 1 Bigha = 6 Ground
Guntha Bigha to Guntha 1 Bigha = 13.2231 Guntha
Hectare Bigha to Hectare 1 Bigha = 0.133781 Hectare
Jerib Bigha to Jerib 1 Bigha = 0.661765 Jerib
Kanal Bigha to Kanal 1 Bigha = 2.64463 Kanal
Katha Bigha to Katha 1 Bigha = 20 Katha
Killa Bigha to Killa 1 Bigha = 0.330579 Killa
Kora Bigha to Kora 1 Bigha = 66.6667 Kora
Marla Bigha to Marla 1 Bigha = 52.8924 Marla
Murabba Bigha to Murabba 1 Bigha = 0.0132231 Murabba
Pole Bigha to Pole 1 Bigha = 1.32231 Pole
Rood Bigha to Rood 1 Bigha = 1.32231 Rood
Satak Bigha to Satak 1 Bigha = 33.0578 Satak
Section Bigha to Section 1 Bigha = 0.000516529 Section
Square Centimeter Bigha to Square Centimeter 1 Bigha = 13378100 Square Centimeter
Square Feet Bigha to Square Feet 1 Bigha = 14400 Square Feet
Square Gaj Bigha to Square Gaj 1 Bigha = 1600 Square Gaj
Square Inch Bigha to Square Inch 1 Bigha = 2073600 Square Inch
Square Kilometer Bigha to Square Kilometer 1 Bigha = 0.00133829 Square Kilometer
Square Link Bigha to Square Link 1 Bigha = 33113.1 Square Link
Square Meter Bigha to Square Meter 1 Bigha = 1337.81 Square Meter
Square Mile Bigha to Square Mile 1 Bigha = 0.000516499 Square Mile
Square Yard Bigha to Square Yard 1 Bigha = 1600 Square Yard
Township Bigha to Township 1 Bigha = 0.000014348 Township
Vaar Bigha to Vaar 1 Bigha = 1600 Vaar

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