Imperial Ton Conversion

Convert Imperial Ton to other Mass Units

is equal to

Imperial Ton is the unit of weights or Imperial system of measurement. It was standardized in the thirteenth century. 1 Imperial Ton is equal to 1.12 US Ton.

Compare values between unit Imperial Ton with other Mass measurement units.

Unit Conversion Value
Gram Imperial Ton to Gram 1 Imperial Ton = 1016050 Gram
Kilogram Imperial Ton to Kilogram 1 Imperial Ton = 1016.05 Kilogram
Metric Ton Imperial Ton to Metric Ton 1 Imperial Ton = 1.01605 Metric Ton
Milligram Imperial Ton to Milligram 1 Imperial Ton = 1016050000 Milligram
Ounce Imperial Ton to Ounce 1 Imperial Ton = 35840 Ounce
Pound Imperial Ton to Pound 1 Imperial Ton = 2240 Pound
US Ton Imperial Ton to US Ton 1 Imperial Ton = 1.12 US Ton

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