Mil Conversion

Convert Mil to other Angle Units

is equal to

The Mil is the SI unit for angle measurement and is the standard unit of angular measure used in many areas of mathematics. The abbreviation for Mil is "mL" or "ml".

Compare values between unit Mil with other Angle measurement units.

Unit Conversion Value
Arcminute Mil to Arcminute 1 Mil = 3.375 Arcminute
Arcsecond Mil to Arcsecond 1 Mil = 202.5 Arcsecond
Circle Mil to Circle 1 Mil = 0.00015625 Circle
Degree Mil to Degree 1 Mil = 0.05625 Degree
Grad Mil to Grad 1 Mil = 0.0625 Grad
Point Mil to Point 1 Mil = 0.005 Point
Radian Mil to Radian 1 Mil = 0.000981748 Radian

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