Katha Conversion

Convert Katha to other Land Units

is equal to

A Katha is a unit of the area mostly used for land measure in Eastern India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. After metrication in the mid-20th century by both countries, the unit became officially obsolete.

Compare values between unit Katha with other Land measurement units.

Unit Conversion Value
Acre Katha to Acre 1 Katha = 0.0165289 Acre
Ankanam Katha to Ankanam 1 Katha = 10 Ankanam
Are Katha to Are 1 Katha = 0.668903 Are
Bigha Katha to Bigha 1 Katha = 0.05 Bigha
Biswa Katha to Biswa 1 Katha = 0.533333 Biswa
Cent Katha to Cent 1 Katha = 1.65289 Cent
Centiare Katha to Centiare 1 Katha = 66.8902 Centiare
Chatak Katha to Chatak 1 Katha = 16 Chatak
Decimal Katha to Decimal 1 Katha = 1.65289 Decimal
Dunam Katha to Dunam 1 Katha = 0.0668903 Dunam
Feddan Katha to Feddan 1 Katha = 0.0159262 Feddan
Gaj Katha to Gaj 1 Katha = 80 Gaj
Gajam Katha to Gajam 1 Katha = 80 Gajam
Gonda Katha to Gonda 1 Katha = 0.833333 Gonda
Ground Katha to Ground 1 Katha = 0.3 Ground
Guntha Katha to Guntha 1 Katha = 0.661157 Guntha
Hectare Katha to Hectare 1 Katha = 0.00668903 Hectare
Jerib Katha to Jerib 1 Katha = 0.0330882 Jerib
Kanal Katha to Kanal 1 Katha = 0.132231 Kanal
Killa Katha to Killa 1 Katha = 0.0165289 Killa
Kora Katha to Kora 1 Katha = 3.33333 Kora
Marla Katha to Marla 1 Katha = 2.64462 Marla
Murabba Katha to Murabba 1 Katha = 0.000661157 Murabba
Pole Katha to Pole 1 Katha = 0.0661157 Pole
Rood Katha to Rood 1 Katha = 0.0661157 Rood
Satak Katha to Satak 1 Katha = 1.65289 Satak
Section Katha to Section 1 Katha = 0.0000258264 Section
Square Centimeter Katha to Square Centimeter 1 Katha = 668903 Square Centimeter
Square Feet Katha to Square Feet 1 Katha = 720 Square Feet
Square Gaj Katha to Square Gaj 1 Katha = 80 Square Gaj
Square Inch Katha to Square Inch 1 Katha = 103680 Square Inch
Square Kilometer Katha to Square Kilometer 1 Katha = 0.0000669145 Square Kilometer
Square Link Katha to Square Link 1 Katha = 1655.66 Square Link
Square Meter Katha to Square Meter 1 Katha = 66.8903 Square Meter
Square Mile Katha to Square Mile 1 Katha = 0.000025825 Square Mile
Square Yard Katha to Square Yard 1 Katha = 80 Square Yard
Township Katha to Township 1 Katha = 0.000000717398 Township
Vaar Katha to Vaar 1 Katha = 80 Vaar

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