Katha to Rood Conversion

1 Katha is equal to how many Rood?

1 Katha is equal to

0.0661157 Rood

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Katha and Rood both are the Land measurement unit. Compare values between unit Katha with other Land measurement units. You can also calculate other Land conversion units that are available on the select box, having on this same page.

Katha to Rood conversion allows you to convert value between Katha to Rood easily. Just enter the Katha value into the input box, the system will automatically calculate Rood value. 1 Katha in Rood? In mathematical terms, 1 Katha = 0.0661157 Rood.

To conversion value between Katha to Rood, just multiply the value by the conversion ratio. One Katha is equal to 0.0661157 Rood, so use this simple formula to convert -

The value in Rood is equal to the value of Katha multiplied by 0.0661157.

Rood = Katha * 0.0661157;

For calculation, here's how to convert 10 Katha to Rood using the formula above -

10 Katha = (10 * 0.0661157) = 0.661157 Rood

Katha Rood Conversion
1 0.0661157 1 Katha = 0.0661157 Rood
2 0.1322314 2 Katha = 0.1322314 Rood
3 0.1983471 3 Katha = 0.1983471 Rood
4 0.2644628 4 Katha = 0.2644628 Rood
5 0.3305785 5 Katha = 0.3305785 Rood
6 0.3966942 6 Katha = 0.3966942 Rood
7 0.4628099 7 Katha = 0.4628099 Rood
8 0.5289256 8 Katha = 0.5289256 Rood
9 0.5950413 9 Katha = 0.5950413 Rood
10 0.661157 10 Katha = 0.661157 Rood
11 0.7272727 11 Katha = 0.7272727 Rood
12 0.7933884 12 Katha = 0.7933884 Rood
13 0.8595041 13 Katha = 0.8595041 Rood
14 0.9256198 14 Katha = 0.9256198 Rood
15 0.9917355 15 Katha = 0.9917355 Rood
16 1.0578512 16 Katha = 1.0578512 Rood
17 1.1239669 17 Katha = 1.1239669 Rood
18 1.1900826 18 Katha = 1.1900826 Rood
19 1.2561983 19 Katha = 1.2561983 Rood
20 1.322314 20 Katha = 1.322314 Rood
21 1.3884297 21 Katha = 1.3884297 Rood
22 1.4545454 22 Katha = 1.4545454 Rood
23 1.5206611 23 Katha = 1.5206611 Rood
24 1.5867768 24 Katha = 1.5867768 Rood
25 1.6528925 25 Katha = 1.6528925 Rood
26 1.7190082 26 Katha = 1.7190082 Rood
27 1.7851239 27 Katha = 1.7851239 Rood
28 1.8512396 28 Katha = 1.8512396 Rood
29 1.9173553 29 Katha = 1.9173553 Rood
30 1.983471 30 Katha = 1.983471 Rood
31 2.0495867 31 Katha = 2.0495867 Rood
32 2.1157024 32 Katha = 2.1157024 Rood
33 2.1818181 33 Katha = 2.1818181 Rood
34 2.2479338 34 Katha = 2.2479338 Rood
35 2.3140495 35 Katha = 2.3140495 Rood
36 2.3801652 36 Katha = 2.3801652 Rood
37 2.4462809 37 Katha = 2.4462809 Rood
38 2.5123966 38 Katha = 2.5123966 Rood
39 2.5785123 39 Katha = 2.5785123 Rood
40 2.644628 40 Katha = 2.644628 Rood
41 2.7107437 41 Katha = 2.7107437 Rood
42 2.7768594 42 Katha = 2.7768594 Rood
43 2.8429751 43 Katha = 2.8429751 Rood
44 2.9090908 44 Katha = 2.9090908 Rood
45 2.9752065 45 Katha = 2.9752065 Rood
46 3.0413222 46 Katha = 3.0413222 Rood
47 3.1074379 47 Katha = 3.1074379 Rood
48 3.1735536 48 Katha = 3.1735536 Rood
49 3.2396693 49 Katha = 3.2396693 Rood
50 3.305785 50 Katha = 3.305785 Rood
51 3.3719007 51 Katha = 3.3719007 Rood
52 3.4380164 52 Katha = 3.4380164 Rood
53 3.5041321 53 Katha = 3.5041321 Rood
54 3.5702478 54 Katha = 3.5702478 Rood
55 3.6363635 55 Katha = 3.6363635 Rood
56 3.7024792 56 Katha = 3.7024792 Rood
57 3.7685949 57 Katha = 3.7685949 Rood
58 3.8347106 58 Katha = 3.8347106 Rood
59 3.9008263 59 Katha = 3.9008263 Rood
60 3.966942 60 Katha = 3.966942 Rood
61 4.0330577 61 Katha = 4.0330577 Rood
62 4.0991734 62 Katha = 4.0991734 Rood
63 4.1652891 63 Katha = 4.1652891 Rood
64 4.2314048 64 Katha = 4.2314048 Rood
65 4.2975205 65 Katha = 4.2975205 Rood
66 4.3636362 66 Katha = 4.3636362 Rood
67 4.4297519 67 Katha = 4.4297519 Rood
68 4.4958676 68 Katha = 4.4958676 Rood
69 4.5619833 69 Katha = 4.5619833 Rood
70 4.628099 70 Katha = 4.628099 Rood
71 4.6942147 71 Katha = 4.6942147 Rood
72 4.7603304 72 Katha = 4.7603304 Rood
73 4.8264461 73 Katha = 4.8264461 Rood
74 4.8925618 74 Katha = 4.8925618 Rood
75 4.9586775 75 Katha = 4.9586775 Rood
76 5.0247932 76 Katha = 5.0247932 Rood
77 5.0909089 77 Katha = 5.0909089 Rood
78 5.1570246 78 Katha = 5.1570246 Rood
79 5.2231403 79 Katha = 5.2231403 Rood
80 5.289256 80 Katha = 5.289256 Rood
81 5.3553717 81 Katha = 5.3553717 Rood
82 5.4214874 82 Katha = 5.4214874 Rood
83 5.4876031 83 Katha = 5.4876031 Rood
84 5.5537188 84 Katha = 5.5537188 Rood
85 5.6198345 85 Katha = 5.6198345 Rood
86 5.6859502 86 Katha = 5.6859502 Rood
87 5.7520659 87 Katha = 5.7520659 Rood
88 5.8181816 88 Katha = 5.8181816 Rood
89 5.8842973 89 Katha = 5.8842973 Rood
90 5.950413 90 Katha = 5.950413 Rood
91 6.0165287 91 Katha = 6.0165287 Rood
92 6.0826444 92 Katha = 6.0826444 Rood
93 6.1487601 93 Katha = 6.1487601 Rood
94 6.2148758 94 Katha = 6.2148758 Rood
95 6.2809915 95 Katha = 6.2809915 Rood
96 6.3471072 96 Katha = 6.3471072 Rood
97 6.4132229 97 Katha = 6.4132229 Rood
98 6.4793386 98 Katha = 6.4793386 Rood
99 6.5454543 99 Katha = 6.5454543 Rood
100 6.61157 100 Katha = 6.61157 Rood
200 13.22314 200 Katha = 13.22314 Rood
300 19.83471 300 Katha = 19.83471 Rood
400 26.44628 400 Katha = 26.44628 Rood
500 33.05785 500 Katha = 33.05785 Rood
600 39.66942 600 Katha = 39.66942 Rood
700 46.28099 700 Katha = 46.28099 Rood
800 52.89256 800 Katha = 52.89256 Rood
900 59.50413 900 Katha = 59.50413 Rood
1000 66.1157 1000 Katha = 66.1157 Rood

A Katha is a unit of the area mostly used for land measure in Eastern India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. After metrication in the mid-20th century by both countries, the unit became officially obsolete.

A Rood is a historic English and international inch-pound measure of area, as well as an archaic English measure of length. 1 Rood is equal to 10890 Square Feet (sq ft).

The value in Rood is equal to the value of Katha multiplied by 0.0661157.
Rood = Katha * 0.0661157;

1 Katha is equal to 0.0661157 Rood.

1 Katha = 0.0661157 Rood.

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