Gaj Conversion

Convert Gaj to other Land Units

is equal to

A Gaj / Gaz or yard is a unit of length used in parts of Asia. Historically, it was a regionally variable measurement. It was often used for measuring textiles.

Compare values between unit Gaj with other Land measurement units.

Unit Conversion Value
Acre Gaj to Acre 1 Gaj = 0.000206612 Acre
Ankanam Gaj to Ankanam 1 Gaj = 0.125 Ankanam
Are Gaj to Are 1 Gaj = 0.00836128 Are
Bigha Gaj to Bigha 1 Gaj = 0.000625 Bigha
Biswa Gaj to Biswa 1 Gaj = 0.00666667 Biswa
Cent Gaj to Cent 1 Gaj = 0.0206612 Cent
Centiare Gaj to Centiare 1 Gaj = 0.836127 Centiare
Chatak Gaj to Chatak 1 Gaj = 0.2 Chatak
Decimal Gaj to Decimal 1 Gaj = 0.0206612 Decimal
Dunam Gaj to Dunam 1 Gaj = 0.000836128 Dunam
Feddan Gaj to Feddan 1 Gaj = 0.000199078 Feddan
Gajam Gaj to Gajam 1 Gaj = 1 Gajam
Gonda Gaj to Gonda 1 Gaj = 0.0104167 Gonda
Ground Gaj to Ground 1 Gaj = 0.00375 Ground
Guntha Gaj to Guntha 1 Gaj = 0.00826446 Guntha
Hectare Gaj to Hectare 1 Gaj = 0.0000836128 Hectare
Jerib Gaj to Jerib 1 Gaj = 0.000413603 Jerib
Kanal Gaj to Kanal 1 Gaj = 0.00165289 Kanal
Katha Gaj to Katha 1 Gaj = 0.0125 Katha
Killa Gaj to Killa 1 Gaj = 0.000206612 Killa
Kora Gaj to Kora 1 Gaj = 0.0416667 Kora
Marla Gaj to Marla 1 Gaj = 0.0330577 Marla
Murabba Gaj to Murabba 1 Gaj = 0.00000826446 Murabba
Pole Gaj to Pole 1 Gaj = 0.000826446 Pole
Rood Gaj to Rood 1 Gaj = 0.000826446 Rood
Satak Gaj to Satak 1 Gaj = 0.0206612 Satak
Section Gaj to Section 1 Gaj = 0.000000322831 Section
Square Centimeter Gaj to Square Centimeter 1 Gaj = 8361.28 Square Centimeter
Square Feet Gaj to Square Feet 1 Gaj = 9 Square Feet
Square Gaj Gaj to Square Gaj 1 Gaj = 1 Square Gaj
Square Inch Gaj to Square Inch 1 Gaj = 1296 Square Inch
Square Kilometer Gaj to Square Kilometer 1 Gaj = 0.000000836431 Square Kilometer
Square Link Gaj to Square Link 1 Gaj = 20.6957 Square Link
Square Meter Gaj to Square Meter 1 Gaj = 0.836128 Square Meter
Square Mile Gaj to Square Mile 1 Gaj = 0.000000322812 Square Mile
Square Yard Gaj to Square Yard 1 Gaj = 1 Square Yard
Township Gaj to Township 1 Gaj = 0.00000000896748 Township
Vaar Gaj to Vaar 1 Gaj = 1 Vaar

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