Gaj to Pole Conversion

1 Gaj is equal to how many Pole?

1 Gaj is equal to

0.000826446 Pole

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Gaj and Pole both are the Land measurement unit. Compare values between unit Gaj with other Land measurement units. You can also calculate other Land conversion units that are available on the select box, having on this same page.

Gaj to Pole conversion allows you to convert value between Gaj to Pole easily. Just enter the Gaj value into the input box, the system will automatically calculate Pole value. 1 Gaj in Pole? In mathematical terms, 1 Gaj = 0.000826446 Pole.

To conversion value between Gaj to Pole, just multiply the value by the conversion ratio. One Gaj is equal to 0.000826446 Pole, so use this simple formula to convert -

The value in Pole is equal to the value of Gaj multiplied by 0.000826446.

Pole = Gaj * 0.000826446;

For calculation, here's how to convert 10 Gaj to Pole using the formula above -

10 Gaj = (10 * 0.000826446) = 0.00826446 Pole

Gaj Pole Conversion
1 0.000826446 1 Gaj = 0.000826446 Pole
2 0.001652892 2 Gaj = 0.001652892 Pole
3 0.002479338 3 Gaj = 0.002479338 Pole
4 0.003305784 4 Gaj = 0.003305784 Pole
5 0.00413223 5 Gaj = 0.00413223 Pole
6 0.004958676 6 Gaj = 0.004958676 Pole
7 0.005785122 7 Gaj = 0.005785122 Pole
8 0.006611568 8 Gaj = 0.006611568 Pole
9 0.007438014 9 Gaj = 0.007438014 Pole
10 0.00826446 10 Gaj = 0.00826446 Pole
11 0.009090906 11 Gaj = 0.009090906 Pole
12 0.009917352 12 Gaj = 0.009917352 Pole
13 0.010743798 13 Gaj = 0.010743798 Pole
14 0.011570244 14 Gaj = 0.011570244 Pole
15 0.01239669 15 Gaj = 0.01239669 Pole
16 0.013223136 16 Gaj = 0.013223136 Pole
17 0.014049582 17 Gaj = 0.014049582 Pole
18 0.014876028 18 Gaj = 0.014876028 Pole
19 0.015702474 19 Gaj = 0.015702474 Pole
20 0.01652892 20 Gaj = 0.01652892 Pole
21 0.017355366 21 Gaj = 0.017355366 Pole
22 0.018181812 22 Gaj = 0.018181812 Pole
23 0.019008258 23 Gaj = 0.019008258 Pole
24 0.019834704 24 Gaj = 0.019834704 Pole
25 0.02066115 25 Gaj = 0.02066115 Pole
26 0.021487596 26 Gaj = 0.021487596 Pole
27 0.022314042 27 Gaj = 0.022314042 Pole
28 0.023140488 28 Gaj = 0.023140488 Pole
29 0.023966934 29 Gaj = 0.023966934 Pole
30 0.02479338 30 Gaj = 0.02479338 Pole
31 0.025619826 31 Gaj = 0.025619826 Pole
32 0.026446272 32 Gaj = 0.026446272 Pole
33 0.027272718 33 Gaj = 0.027272718 Pole
34 0.028099164 34 Gaj = 0.028099164 Pole
35 0.02892561 35 Gaj = 0.02892561 Pole
36 0.029752056 36 Gaj = 0.029752056 Pole
37 0.030578502 37 Gaj = 0.030578502 Pole
38 0.031404948 38 Gaj = 0.031404948 Pole
39 0.032231394 39 Gaj = 0.032231394 Pole
40 0.03305784 40 Gaj = 0.03305784 Pole
41 0.033884286 41 Gaj = 0.033884286 Pole
42 0.034710732 42 Gaj = 0.034710732 Pole
43 0.035537178 43 Gaj = 0.035537178 Pole
44 0.036363624 44 Gaj = 0.036363624 Pole
45 0.03719007 45 Gaj = 0.03719007 Pole
46 0.038016516 46 Gaj = 0.038016516 Pole
47 0.038842962 47 Gaj = 0.038842962 Pole
48 0.039669408 48 Gaj = 0.039669408 Pole
49 0.040495854 49 Gaj = 0.040495854 Pole
50 0.0413223 50 Gaj = 0.0413223 Pole
51 0.042148746 51 Gaj = 0.042148746 Pole
52 0.042975192 52 Gaj = 0.042975192 Pole
53 0.043801638 53 Gaj = 0.043801638 Pole
54 0.044628084 54 Gaj = 0.044628084 Pole
55 0.04545453 55 Gaj = 0.04545453 Pole
56 0.046280976 56 Gaj = 0.046280976 Pole
57 0.047107422 57 Gaj = 0.047107422 Pole
58 0.047933868 58 Gaj = 0.047933868 Pole
59 0.048760314 59 Gaj = 0.048760314 Pole
60 0.04958676 60 Gaj = 0.04958676 Pole
61 0.050413206 61 Gaj = 0.050413206 Pole
62 0.051239652 62 Gaj = 0.051239652 Pole
63 0.052066098 63 Gaj = 0.052066098 Pole
64 0.052892544 64 Gaj = 0.052892544 Pole
65 0.05371899 65 Gaj = 0.05371899 Pole
66 0.054545436 66 Gaj = 0.054545436 Pole
67 0.055371882 67 Gaj = 0.055371882 Pole
68 0.056198328 68 Gaj = 0.056198328 Pole
69 0.057024774 69 Gaj = 0.057024774 Pole
70 0.05785122 70 Gaj = 0.05785122 Pole
71 0.058677666 71 Gaj = 0.058677666 Pole
72 0.059504112 72 Gaj = 0.059504112 Pole
73 0.060330558 73 Gaj = 0.060330558 Pole
74 0.061157004 74 Gaj = 0.061157004 Pole
75 0.06198345 75 Gaj = 0.06198345 Pole
76 0.062809896 76 Gaj = 0.062809896 Pole
77 0.063636342 77 Gaj = 0.063636342 Pole
78 0.064462788 78 Gaj = 0.064462788 Pole
79 0.065289234 79 Gaj = 0.065289234 Pole
80 0.06611568 80 Gaj = 0.06611568 Pole
81 0.066942126 81 Gaj = 0.066942126 Pole
82 0.067768572 82 Gaj = 0.067768572 Pole
83 0.068595018 83 Gaj = 0.068595018 Pole
84 0.069421464 84 Gaj = 0.069421464 Pole
85 0.07024791 85 Gaj = 0.07024791 Pole
86 0.071074356 86 Gaj = 0.071074356 Pole
87 0.071900802 87 Gaj = 0.071900802 Pole
88 0.072727248 88 Gaj = 0.072727248 Pole
89 0.073553694 89 Gaj = 0.073553694 Pole
90 0.07438014 90 Gaj = 0.07438014 Pole
91 0.075206586 91 Gaj = 0.075206586 Pole
92 0.076033032 92 Gaj = 0.076033032 Pole
93 0.076859478 93 Gaj = 0.076859478 Pole
94 0.077685924 94 Gaj = 0.077685924 Pole
95 0.07851237 95 Gaj = 0.07851237 Pole
96 0.079338816 96 Gaj = 0.079338816 Pole
97 0.080165262 97 Gaj = 0.080165262 Pole
98 0.080991708 98 Gaj = 0.080991708 Pole
99 0.081818154 99 Gaj = 0.081818154 Pole
100 0.0826446 100 Gaj = 0.0826446 Pole
200 0.1652892 200 Gaj = 0.1652892 Pole
300 0.2479338 300 Gaj = 0.2479338 Pole
400 0.3305784 400 Gaj = 0.3305784 Pole
500 0.413223 500 Gaj = 0.413223 Pole
600 0.4958676 600 Gaj = 0.4958676 Pole
700 0.5785122 700 Gaj = 0.5785122 Pole
800 0.6611568 800 Gaj = 0.6611568 Pole
900 0.7438014 900 Gaj = 0.7438014 Pole
1000 0.826446 1000 Gaj = 0.826446 Pole
2000 1.652892 2000 Gaj = 1.652892 Pole
3000 2.479338 3000 Gaj = 2.479338 Pole
4000 3.305784 4000 Gaj = 3.305784 Pole
5000 4.13223 5000 Gaj = 4.13223 Pole
6000 4.958676 6000 Gaj = 4.958676 Pole
7000 5.785122 7000 Gaj = 5.785122 Pole
8000 6.611568 8000 Gaj = 6.611568 Pole
9000 7.438014 9000 Gaj = 7.438014 Pole
10000 8.26446 10000 Gaj = 8.26446 Pole

A Gaj / Gaz or yard is a unit of length used in parts of Asia. Historically, it was a regionally variable measurement. It was often used for measuring textiles.

A Pole is a land area measurement unit, also known as a perch or rood. 1 Pole is equal to 0.25 Acre (ac). Pole is a large area measurement unit.

The value in Pole is equal to the value of Gaj multiplied by 0.000826446.
Pole = Gaj * 0.000826446;

1 Gaj is equal to 0.000826446 Pole.

1 Gaj = 0.000826446 Pole.

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