Dunam to Hectare Conversion

1 Dunam is equal to how many Hectare?

1 Dunam is equal to

0.1 Hectare

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Dunam and Hectare both are the Land measurement unit. Compare values between unit Dunam with other Land measurement units. You can also calculate other Land conversion units that are available on the select box, having on this same page.

Dunam to Hectare conversion allows you to convert value between Dunam to Hectare easily. Just enter the Dunam value into the input box, the system will automatically calculate Hectare value. 1 Dunam in Hectare? In mathematical terms, 1 Dunam = 0.1 Hectare.

To conversion value between Dunam to Hectare, just multiply the value by the conversion ratio. One Dunam is equal to 0.1 Hectare, so use this simple formula to convert -

The value in Hectare is equal to the value of Dunam multiplied by 0.1.

Hectare = Dunam * 0.1;

For calculation, here's how to convert 10 Dunam to Hectare using the formula above -

10 Dunam = (10 * 0.1) = 1 Hectare

Dunam Hectare (ha) Conversion
1 0.1 1 Dunam = 0.1 Hectare
2 0.2 2 Dunam = 0.2 Hectare
3 0.3 3 Dunam = 0.3 Hectare
4 0.4 4 Dunam = 0.4 Hectare
5 0.5 5 Dunam = 0.5 Hectare
6 0.6 6 Dunam = 0.6 Hectare
7 0.7 7 Dunam = 0.7 Hectare
8 0.8 8 Dunam = 0.8 Hectare
9 0.9 9 Dunam = 0.9 Hectare
10 1 10 Dunam = 1 Hectare
11 1.1 11 Dunam = 1.1 Hectare
12 1.2 12 Dunam = 1.2 Hectare
13 1.3 13 Dunam = 1.3 Hectare
14 1.4 14 Dunam = 1.4 Hectare
15 1.5 15 Dunam = 1.5 Hectare
16 1.6 16 Dunam = 1.6 Hectare
17 1.7 17 Dunam = 1.7 Hectare
18 1.8 18 Dunam = 1.8 Hectare
19 1.9 19 Dunam = 1.9 Hectare
20 2 20 Dunam = 2 Hectare
21 2.1 21 Dunam = 2.1 Hectare
22 2.2 22 Dunam = 2.2 Hectare
23 2.3 23 Dunam = 2.3 Hectare
24 2.4 24 Dunam = 2.4 Hectare
25 2.5 25 Dunam = 2.5 Hectare
26 2.6 26 Dunam = 2.6 Hectare
27 2.7 27 Dunam = 2.7 Hectare
28 2.8 28 Dunam = 2.8 Hectare
29 2.9 29 Dunam = 2.9 Hectare
30 3 30 Dunam = 3 Hectare
31 3.1 31 Dunam = 3.1 Hectare
32 3.2 32 Dunam = 3.2 Hectare
33 3.3 33 Dunam = 3.3 Hectare
34 3.4 34 Dunam = 3.4 Hectare
35 3.5 35 Dunam = 3.5 Hectare
36 3.6 36 Dunam = 3.6 Hectare
37 3.7 37 Dunam = 3.7 Hectare
38 3.8 38 Dunam = 3.8 Hectare
39 3.9 39 Dunam = 3.9 Hectare
40 4 40 Dunam = 4 Hectare
41 4.1 41 Dunam = 4.1 Hectare
42 4.2 42 Dunam = 4.2 Hectare
43 4.3 43 Dunam = 4.3 Hectare
44 4.4 44 Dunam = 4.4 Hectare
45 4.5 45 Dunam = 4.5 Hectare
46 4.6 46 Dunam = 4.6 Hectare
47 4.7 47 Dunam = 4.7 Hectare
48 4.8 48 Dunam = 4.8 Hectare
49 4.9 49 Dunam = 4.9 Hectare
50 5 50 Dunam = 5 Hectare
51 5.1 51 Dunam = 5.1 Hectare
52 5.2 52 Dunam = 5.2 Hectare
53 5.3 53 Dunam = 5.3 Hectare
54 5.4 54 Dunam = 5.4 Hectare
55 5.5 55 Dunam = 5.5 Hectare
56 5.6 56 Dunam = 5.6 Hectare
57 5.7 57 Dunam = 5.7 Hectare
58 5.8 58 Dunam = 5.8 Hectare
59 5.9 59 Dunam = 5.9 Hectare
60 6 60 Dunam = 6 Hectare
61 6.1 61 Dunam = 6.1 Hectare
62 6.2 62 Dunam = 6.2 Hectare
63 6.3 63 Dunam = 6.3 Hectare
64 6.4 64 Dunam = 6.4 Hectare
65 6.5 65 Dunam = 6.5 Hectare
66 6.6 66 Dunam = 6.6 Hectare
67 6.7 67 Dunam = 6.7 Hectare
68 6.8 68 Dunam = 6.8 Hectare
69 6.9 69 Dunam = 6.9 Hectare
70 7 70 Dunam = 7 Hectare
71 7.1 71 Dunam = 7.1 Hectare
72 7.2 72 Dunam = 7.2 Hectare
73 7.3 73 Dunam = 7.3 Hectare
74 7.4 74 Dunam = 7.4 Hectare
75 7.5 75 Dunam = 7.5 Hectare
76 7.6 76 Dunam = 7.6 Hectare
77 7.7 77 Dunam = 7.7 Hectare
78 7.8 78 Dunam = 7.8 Hectare
79 7.9 79 Dunam = 7.9 Hectare
80 8 80 Dunam = 8 Hectare
81 8.1 81 Dunam = 8.1 Hectare
82 8.2 82 Dunam = 8.2 Hectare
83 8.3 83 Dunam = 8.3 Hectare
84 8.4 84 Dunam = 8.4 Hectare
85 8.5 85 Dunam = 8.5 Hectare
86 8.6 86 Dunam = 8.6 Hectare
87 8.7 87 Dunam = 8.7 Hectare
88 8.8 88 Dunam = 8.8 Hectare
89 8.9 89 Dunam = 8.9 Hectare
90 9 90 Dunam = 9 Hectare
91 9.1 91 Dunam = 9.1 Hectare
92 9.2 92 Dunam = 9.2 Hectare
93 9.3 93 Dunam = 9.3 Hectare
94 9.4 94 Dunam = 9.4 Hectare
95 9.5 95 Dunam = 9.5 Hectare
96 9.6 96 Dunam = 9.6 Hectare
97 9.7 97 Dunam = 9.7 Hectare
98 9.8 98 Dunam = 9.8 Hectare
99 9.9 99 Dunam = 9.9 Hectare
100 10 100 Dunam = 10 Hectare

The Dunam is a land area measurement unit, mainly used in Turkish. The unit is still in use in many areas previously ruled by the Ottomans, although 1 Dunam is equal to 10/100 Hectare (ha).

The hectare is a non-SI metric unit, primarily used in the measurement of land. 1 hectare is equal to 2.47 Acre (ac). The abbreviation for hectare is "ha".

The value in Hectare is equal to the value of Dunam multiplied by 0.1.
Hectare = Dunam * 0.1;

1 Dunam is equal to 0.1 Hectare.

1 Dunam = 0.1 Hectare.

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