1.77777 Repeating as a Fraction

What is 1.77777 Repeating as a Fraction?

1.77777 Repeating Decimal

= 1 7/9 as a Fraction

Formula How to

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How to write 1.77777 Repeating as a Fraction? To convert a repeating decimal to a fraction, you set up an equation where the repeating decimal equals a variable, multiply to shift the repeating part, subtract to eliminate the repeating part, and solve for the variable. This method works for any repeating decimal.

To conversion Repeating Decimal number to Fraction use this fromula, which is given below-

(D × 10R) - N/10R -1


  • D = The whole decimal number;
  • R = Count the number of repeating part of decimal number;
  • N = Value of non-repeating part of decimal number;

For calculation, here's how to convert 1.77777 Repeating as a Fraction using the formula above, step by step instructions are given below

  1. Input the value as per formula.
    (1.77777 x 105) - 1/105 -1
  2. Calculate the numerator and denominator part.
  3. To simplify
    its lowest terms, find GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) for 177776 & 99999, which is 11111. Here's How to Find GCD of 177776 and 99999?
  4. After simplify or reduce the fraction.
    = 1

Decimal Repeating as a Fraction
1.77772 59257/33333
1.77773 177772/99999
1.77774 177773/99999
1.77775 59258/33333
1.77776 177775/99999
1.77777 16/9
1.77778 19753/11111
1.77779 177778/99999
1.7778 17777/9999
1.77781 59260/33333

1.77777 Repeating Decimal is 16/9 or 1 7/9 as a Fraction.