US Gallon to Imperial Gallon Conversion

1 US Gallon is equal to how many Imperial Gallon?

1 US Gallon is equal to

0.832674 Imperial Gallon

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US Gallon and Imperial Gallon both are the Volume measurement unit. Compare values between unit US Gallon with other Volume measurement units. You can also calculate other Volume conversion units that are available on the select box, having on this same page.

US Gallon to Imperial Gallon conversion allows you to convert value between US Gallon to Imperial Gallon easily. Just enter the US Gallon value into the input box, the system will automatically calculate Imperial Gallon value. 1 US Gallon in Imperial Gallon? In mathematical terms, 1 US Gallon = 0.832674 Imperial Gallon.

To conversion value between US Gallon to Imperial Gallon, just multiply the value by the conversion ratio. One US Gallon is equal to 0.832674 Imperial Gallon, so use this simple formula to convert -

The value in Imperial Gallon is equal to the value of US Gallon multiplied by 0.832674.

Imperial Gallon = US Gallon * 0.832674;

For calculation, here's how to convert 10 US Gallon to Imperial Gallon using the formula above -

10 US Gallon = (10 * 0.832674) = 8.32674 Imperial Gallon

US Gallon Imperial Gallon Conversion
1 0.832674 1 US Gallon = 0.832674 Imperial Gallon
2 1.665348 2 US Gallon = 1.665348 Imperial Gallon
3 2.498022 3 US Gallon = 2.498022 Imperial Gallon
4 3.330696 4 US Gallon = 3.330696 Imperial Gallon
5 4.16337 5 US Gallon = 4.16337 Imperial Gallon
6 4.996044 6 US Gallon = 4.996044 Imperial Gallon
7 5.828718 7 US Gallon = 5.828718 Imperial Gallon
8 6.661392 8 US Gallon = 6.661392 Imperial Gallon
9 7.494066 9 US Gallon = 7.494066 Imperial Gallon
10 8.32674 10 US Gallon = 8.32674 Imperial Gallon
11 9.159414 11 US Gallon = 9.159414 Imperial Gallon
12 9.992088 12 US Gallon = 9.992088 Imperial Gallon
13 10.824762 13 US Gallon = 10.824762 Imperial Gallon
14 11.657436 14 US Gallon = 11.657436 Imperial Gallon
15 12.49011 15 US Gallon = 12.49011 Imperial Gallon
16 13.322784 16 US Gallon = 13.322784 Imperial Gallon
17 14.155458 17 US Gallon = 14.155458 Imperial Gallon
18 14.988132 18 US Gallon = 14.988132 Imperial Gallon
19 15.820806 19 US Gallon = 15.820806 Imperial Gallon
20 16.65348 20 US Gallon = 16.65348 Imperial Gallon
21 17.486154 21 US Gallon = 17.486154 Imperial Gallon
22 18.318828 22 US Gallon = 18.318828 Imperial Gallon
23 19.151502 23 US Gallon = 19.151502 Imperial Gallon
24 19.984176 24 US Gallon = 19.984176 Imperial Gallon
25 20.81685 25 US Gallon = 20.81685 Imperial Gallon
26 21.649524 26 US Gallon = 21.649524 Imperial Gallon
27 22.482198 27 US Gallon = 22.482198 Imperial Gallon
28 23.314872 28 US Gallon = 23.314872 Imperial Gallon
29 24.147546 29 US Gallon = 24.147546 Imperial Gallon
30 24.98022 30 US Gallon = 24.98022 Imperial Gallon
31 25.812894 31 US Gallon = 25.812894 Imperial Gallon
32 26.645568 32 US Gallon = 26.645568 Imperial Gallon
33 27.478242 33 US Gallon = 27.478242 Imperial Gallon
34 28.310916 34 US Gallon = 28.310916 Imperial Gallon
35 29.14359 35 US Gallon = 29.14359 Imperial Gallon
36 29.976264 36 US Gallon = 29.976264 Imperial Gallon
37 30.808938 37 US Gallon = 30.808938 Imperial Gallon
38 31.641612 38 US Gallon = 31.641612 Imperial Gallon
39 32.474286 39 US Gallon = 32.474286 Imperial Gallon
40 33.30696 40 US Gallon = 33.30696 Imperial Gallon
41 34.139634 41 US Gallon = 34.139634 Imperial Gallon
42 34.972308 42 US Gallon = 34.972308 Imperial Gallon
43 35.804982 43 US Gallon = 35.804982 Imperial Gallon
44 36.637656 44 US Gallon = 36.637656 Imperial Gallon
45 37.47033 45 US Gallon = 37.47033 Imperial Gallon
46 38.303004 46 US Gallon = 38.303004 Imperial Gallon
47 39.135678 47 US Gallon = 39.135678 Imperial Gallon
48 39.968352 48 US Gallon = 39.968352 Imperial Gallon
49 40.801026 49 US Gallon = 40.801026 Imperial Gallon
50 41.6337 50 US Gallon = 41.6337 Imperial Gallon
51 42.466374 51 US Gallon = 42.466374 Imperial Gallon
52 43.299048 52 US Gallon = 43.299048 Imperial Gallon
53 44.131722 53 US Gallon = 44.131722 Imperial Gallon
54 44.964396 54 US Gallon = 44.964396 Imperial Gallon
55 45.79707 55 US Gallon = 45.79707 Imperial Gallon
56 46.629744 56 US Gallon = 46.629744 Imperial Gallon
57 47.462418 57 US Gallon = 47.462418 Imperial Gallon
58 48.295092 58 US Gallon = 48.295092 Imperial Gallon
59 49.127766 59 US Gallon = 49.127766 Imperial Gallon
60 49.96044 60 US Gallon = 49.96044 Imperial Gallon
61 50.793114 61 US Gallon = 50.793114 Imperial Gallon
62 51.625788 62 US Gallon = 51.625788 Imperial Gallon
63 52.458462 63 US Gallon = 52.458462 Imperial Gallon
64 53.291136 64 US Gallon = 53.291136 Imperial Gallon
65 54.12381 65 US Gallon = 54.12381 Imperial Gallon
66 54.956484 66 US Gallon = 54.956484 Imperial Gallon
67 55.789158 67 US Gallon = 55.789158 Imperial Gallon
68 56.621832 68 US Gallon = 56.621832 Imperial Gallon
69 57.454506 69 US Gallon = 57.454506 Imperial Gallon
70 58.28718 70 US Gallon = 58.28718 Imperial Gallon
71 59.119854 71 US Gallon = 59.119854 Imperial Gallon
72 59.952528 72 US Gallon = 59.952528 Imperial Gallon
73 60.785202 73 US Gallon = 60.785202 Imperial Gallon
74 61.617876 74 US Gallon = 61.617876 Imperial Gallon
75 62.45055 75 US Gallon = 62.45055 Imperial Gallon
76 63.283224 76 US Gallon = 63.283224 Imperial Gallon
77 64.115898 77 US Gallon = 64.115898 Imperial Gallon
78 64.948572 78 US Gallon = 64.948572 Imperial Gallon
79 65.781246 79 US Gallon = 65.781246 Imperial Gallon
80 66.61392 80 US Gallon = 66.61392 Imperial Gallon
81 67.446594 81 US Gallon = 67.446594 Imperial Gallon
82 68.279268 82 US Gallon = 68.279268 Imperial Gallon
83 69.111942 83 US Gallon = 69.111942 Imperial Gallon
84 69.944616 84 US Gallon = 69.944616 Imperial Gallon
85 70.77729 85 US Gallon = 70.77729 Imperial Gallon
86 71.609964 86 US Gallon = 71.609964 Imperial Gallon
87 72.442638 87 US Gallon = 72.442638 Imperial Gallon
88 73.275312 88 US Gallon = 73.275312 Imperial Gallon
89 74.107986 89 US Gallon = 74.107986 Imperial Gallon
90 74.94066 90 US Gallon = 74.94066 Imperial Gallon
91 75.773334 91 US Gallon = 75.773334 Imperial Gallon
92 76.606008 92 US Gallon = 76.606008 Imperial Gallon
93 77.438682 93 US Gallon = 77.438682 Imperial Gallon
94 78.271356 94 US Gallon = 78.271356 Imperial Gallon
95 79.10403 95 US Gallon = 79.10403 Imperial Gallon
96 79.936704 96 US Gallon = 79.936704 Imperial Gallon
97 80.769378 97 US Gallon = 80.769378 Imperial Gallon
98 81.602052 98 US Gallon = 81.602052 Imperial Gallon
99 82.434726 99 US Gallon = 82.434726 Imperial Gallon
100 83.2674 100 US Gallon = 83.2674 Imperial Gallon

A US gallon is a unit of measurement for volume and fluid capacity in the US customary unit of measurement. 1 US Gallon is equal to 3.78541 Liter (l).

An Imperial gallon is a unit of measurement for volume and fluid capacity in the British imperial system of measurement. 1 Imperial Gallon is equal to 4.54609 Liter (l).

The value in Imperial Gallon is equal to the value of US Gallon multiplied by 0.832674.
Imperial Gallon = US Gallon * 0.832674;

1 US Gallon is equal to 0.832674 Imperial Gallon.

1 US Gallon = 0.832674 Imperial Gallon.

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