Township to Feddan Conversion

1 Township is equal to how many Feddan?

1 Township is equal to

22200 Feddan

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Township and Feddan both are the Land measurement unit. Compare values between unit Township with other Land measurement units. You can also calculate other Land conversion units that are available on the select box, having on this same page.

Township to Feddan conversion allows you to convert value between Township to Feddan easily. Just enter the Township value into the input box, the system will automatically calculate Feddan value. 1 Township in Feddan? In mathematical terms, 1 Township = 22200 Feddan.

To conversion value between Township to Feddan, just multiply the value by the conversion ratio. One Township is equal to 22200 Feddan, so use this simple formula to convert -

The value in Feddan is equal to the value of Township multiplied by 22200.

Feddan = Township * 22200;

For calculation, here's how to convert 10 Township to Feddan using the formula above -

10 Township = (10 * 22200) = 222000 Feddan

Unit Conversion
Acre 1 Township = 23040.1 Acre
Ankanam 1 Township = 13939300 Ankanam
Are 1 Township = 932401 Are
Bigha 1 Township = 69696.3 Bigha
Biswa 1 Township = 743427 Biswa
Cent 1 Township = 2304010 Cent
Centiare 1 Township = 93240000 Centiare
Chatak 1 Township = 22302800 Chatak
Decimal 1 Township = 2304010 Decimal
Dunam 1 Township = 93240.1 Dunam
Gaj 1 Township = 111514000 Gaj
Gajam 1 Township = 111514000 Gajam
Gonda 1 Township = 1161600 Gonda
Ground 1 Township = 418178 Ground
Guntha 1 Township = 921604 Guntha
Hectare 1 Township = 9324.01 Hectare
Jerib 1 Township = 46122.6 Jerib
Kanal 1 Township = 184321 Kanal
Katha 1 Township = 1393930 Katha
Killa 1 Township = 23040.1 Killa
Kora 1 Township = 4646420 Kora
Marla 1 Township = 3686400 Marla
Murabba 1 Township = 921.604 Murabba
Pole 1 Township = 92160.4 Pole
Rood 1 Township = 92160.4 Rood
Satak 1 Township = 2304010 Satak
Section 1 Township = 36.0002 Section
Square Centimeter 1 Township = 932401000000 Square Centimeter
Square Feet 1 Township = 1003630000 Square Feet
Square Gaj 1 Township = 111514000 Square Gaj
Square Inch 1 Township = 144522000000 Square Inch
Square Kilometer 1 Township = 93.2739 Square Kilometer
Square Link 1 Township = 2307860000 Square Link
Square Meter 1 Township = 93240100 Square Meter
Square Mile 1 Township = 35.9981 Square Mile
Square Yard 1 Township = 111514000 Square Yard
Vaar 1 Township = 111514000 Vaar

Township refers to various kinds of settlements or administrative subdivisions in different countries. In India, townships are found at the fourth level of the city. 1 Township is equal to 93.274 Square Kilometer (sq km).

A Feddan is a land area measurement unit, mainly used in Egypt, Sudan, Syria, and the Sultanate of Oman. In Classical Arabic, the word means "a yoke of oxen".

The value in Feddan is equal to the value of Township multiplied by 22200.
Feddan = Township * 22200;

1 Township is equal to 22200 Feddan.

1 Township = 22200 Feddan.

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  • 1 township = feddan
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