Square Gaj to Square Feet Conversion

1 Square Gaj is equal to how many Square Feet?

1 Square Gaj is equal to

9 Square Feet

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Square Gaj and Square Feet both are the Area measurement unit. Compare values between unit Square Gaj with other Area measurement units. You can also calculate other Area conversion units that are available on the select box, having on this same page.

Square Gaj to Square Feet conversion allows you to convert value between Square Gaj to Square Feet easily. Just enter the Square Gaj value into the input box, the system will automatically calculate Square Feet value. 1 Square Gaj in Square Feet? In mathematical terms, 1 Square Gaj = 9 Square Feet.

To conversion value between Square Gaj to Square Feet, just multiply the value by the conversion ratio. One Square Gaj is equal to 9 Square Feet, so use this simple formula to convert -

The value in Square Feet is equal to the value of Square Gaj multiplied by 9.

Square Feet = Square Gaj * 9;

For calculation, here's how to convert 10 Square Gaj to Square Feet using the formula above -

10 Square Gaj = (10 * 9) = 90 Square Feet

Unit Conversion
Acre 1 Square Gaj = 0.000206612 Acre
Ankanam 1 Square Gaj = 0.125 Ankanam
Are 1 Square Gaj = 0.00836128 Are
Bigha 1 Square Gaj = 0.000625 Bigha
Biswa 1 Square Gaj = 0.00666667 Biswa
Cent 1 Square Gaj = 0.0206612 Cent
Centiare 1 Square Gaj = 0.836127 Centiare
Chatak 1 Square Gaj = 0.2 Chatak
Decimal 1 Square Gaj = 0.0206612 Decimal
Dunam 1 Square Gaj = 0.000836128 Dunam
Feddan 1 Square Gaj = 0.000199078 Feddan
Gaj 1 Square Gaj = 1 Gaj
Gajam 1 Square Gaj = 1 Gajam
Gonda 1 Square Gaj = 0.0104167 Gonda
Ground 1 Square Gaj = 0.00375 Ground
Guntha 1 Square Gaj = 0.00826446 Guntha
Hectare 1 Square Gaj = 0.0000836128 Hectare
Jerib 1 Square Gaj = 0.000413603 Jerib
Kanal 1 Square Gaj = 0.00165289 Kanal
Katha 1 Square Gaj = 0.0125 Katha
Killa 1 Square Gaj = 0.000206612 Killa
Kora 1 Square Gaj = 0.0416667 Kora
Marla 1 Square Gaj = 0.0330577 Marla
Murabba 1 Square Gaj = 0.00000826446 Murabba
Pole 1 Square Gaj = 0.000826446 Pole
Rood 1 Square Gaj = 0.000826446 Rood
Satak 1 Square Gaj = 0.0206612 Satak
Section 1 Square Gaj = 0.000000322831 Section
Square Centimeter 1 Square Gaj = 8361.28 Square Centimeter
Square Inch 1 Square Gaj = 1296 Square Inch
Square Kilometer 1 Square Gaj = 0.000000836431 Square Kilometer
Square Link 1 Square Gaj = 20.6957 Square Link
Square Meter 1 Square Gaj = 0.836128 Square Meter
Square Mile 1 Square Gaj = 0.000000322812 Square Mile
Square Yard 1 Square Gaj = 1 Square Yard
Township 1 Square Gaj = 0.00000000896748 Township
Vaar 1 Square Gaj = 1 Vaar

Square Gaj Square Feet (sq ft) Conversion
1 9 1 Square Gaj = 9 Square Feet
2 18 2 Square Gaj = 18 Square Feet
3 27 3 Square Gaj = 27 Square Feet
4 36 4 Square Gaj = 36 Square Feet
5 45 5 Square Gaj = 45 Square Feet
6 54 6 Square Gaj = 54 Square Feet
7 63 7 Square Gaj = 63 Square Feet
8 72 8 Square Gaj = 72 Square Feet
9 81 9 Square Gaj = 81 Square Feet
10 90 10 Square Gaj = 90 Square Feet
11 99 11 Square Gaj = 99 Square Feet
12 108 12 Square Gaj = 108 Square Feet
13 117 13 Square Gaj = 117 Square Feet
14 126 14 Square Gaj = 126 Square Feet
15 135 15 Square Gaj = 135 Square Feet
16 144 16 Square Gaj = 144 Square Feet
17 153 17 Square Gaj = 153 Square Feet
18 162 18 Square Gaj = 162 Square Feet
19 171 19 Square Gaj = 171 Square Feet
20 180 20 Square Gaj = 180 Square Feet
21 189 21 Square Gaj = 189 Square Feet
22 198 22 Square Gaj = 198 Square Feet
23 207 23 Square Gaj = 207 Square Feet
24 216 24 Square Gaj = 216 Square Feet
25 225 25 Square Gaj = 225 Square Feet
26 234 26 Square Gaj = 234 Square Feet
27 243 27 Square Gaj = 243 Square Feet
28 252 28 Square Gaj = 252 Square Feet
29 261 29 Square Gaj = 261 Square Feet
30 270 30 Square Gaj = 270 Square Feet
31 279 31 Square Gaj = 279 Square Feet
32 288 32 Square Gaj = 288 Square Feet
33 297 33 Square Gaj = 297 Square Feet
34 306 34 Square Gaj = 306 Square Feet
35 315 35 Square Gaj = 315 Square Feet
36 324 36 Square Gaj = 324 Square Feet
37 333 37 Square Gaj = 333 Square Feet
38 342 38 Square Gaj = 342 Square Feet
39 351 39 Square Gaj = 351 Square Feet
40 360 40 Square Gaj = 360 Square Feet
41 369 41 Square Gaj = 369 Square Feet
42 378 42 Square Gaj = 378 Square Feet
43 387 43 Square Gaj = 387 Square Feet
44 396 44 Square Gaj = 396 Square Feet
45 405 45 Square Gaj = 405 Square Feet
46 414 46 Square Gaj = 414 Square Feet
47 423 47 Square Gaj = 423 Square Feet
48 432 48 Square Gaj = 432 Square Feet
49 441 49 Square Gaj = 441 Square Feet
50 450 50 Square Gaj = 450 Square Feet
51 459 51 Square Gaj = 459 Square Feet
52 468 52 Square Gaj = 468 Square Feet
53 477 53 Square Gaj = 477 Square Feet
54 486 54 Square Gaj = 486 Square Feet
55 495 55 Square Gaj = 495 Square Feet
56 504 56 Square Gaj = 504 Square Feet
57 513 57 Square Gaj = 513 Square Feet
58 522 58 Square Gaj = 522 Square Feet
59 531 59 Square Gaj = 531 Square Feet
60 540 60 Square Gaj = 540 Square Feet
61 549 61 Square Gaj = 549 Square Feet
62 558 62 Square Gaj = 558 Square Feet
63 567 63 Square Gaj = 567 Square Feet
64 576 64 Square Gaj = 576 Square Feet
65 585 65 Square Gaj = 585 Square Feet
66 594 66 Square Gaj = 594 Square Feet
67 603 67 Square Gaj = 603 Square Feet
68 612 68 Square Gaj = 612 Square Feet
69 621 69 Square Gaj = 621 Square Feet
70 630 70 Square Gaj = 630 Square Feet
71 639 71 Square Gaj = 639 Square Feet
72 648 72 Square Gaj = 648 Square Feet
73 657 73 Square Gaj = 657 Square Feet
74 666 74 Square Gaj = 666 Square Feet
75 675 75 Square Gaj = 675 Square Feet
76 684 76 Square Gaj = 684 Square Feet
77 693 77 Square Gaj = 693 Square Feet
78 702 78 Square Gaj = 702 Square Feet
79 711 79 Square Gaj = 711 Square Feet
80 720 80 Square Gaj = 720 Square Feet
81 729 81 Square Gaj = 729 Square Feet
82 738 82 Square Gaj = 738 Square Feet
83 747 83 Square Gaj = 747 Square Feet
84 756 84 Square Gaj = 756 Square Feet
85 765 85 Square Gaj = 765 Square Feet
86 774 86 Square Gaj = 774 Square Feet
87 783 87 Square Gaj = 783 Square Feet
88 792 88 Square Gaj = 792 Square Feet
89 801 89 Square Gaj = 801 Square Feet
90 810 90 Square Gaj = 810 Square Feet
91 819 91 Square Gaj = 819 Square Feet
92 828 92 Square Gaj = 828 Square Feet
93 837 93 Square Gaj = 837 Square Feet
94 846 94 Square Gaj = 846 Square Feet
95 855 95 Square Gaj = 855 Square Feet
96 864 96 Square Gaj = 864 Square Feet
97 873 97 Square Gaj = 873 Square Feet
98 882 98 Square Gaj = 882 Square Feet
99 891 99 Square Gaj = 891 Square Feet
100 900 100 Square Gaj = 900 Square Feet

The Square Gaj is a unit of length used in parts of Asia. Historically, it was a regionally variable measurement. 1 Square Gaj is equal to 9 Square Feet (sq ft).

The square feet is an imperial unit and U.S. customary unit (non-SI, non-metric) of area, mainly used in all kinds of countries. The abbreviation for Square Feet is "ft2".

The value in Square Feet is equal to the value of Square Gaj multiplied by 9.
Square Feet = Square Gaj * 9;

1 Square Gaj is equal to 9 Square Feet.

1 Square Gaj = 9 Square Feet.

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