MPS to Knot Conversion

1 MPS is equal to how many Knot?

1 MPS is equal to

1.94384 Knot

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MPS and Knot both are the Speed measurement unit. Compare values between unit MPS with other Speed measurement units. You can also calculate other Speed conversion units that are available on the select box, having on this same page.

MPS to Knot conversion allows you to convert value between MPS to Knot easily. Just enter the MPS value into the input box, the system will automatically calculate Knot value. 1 MPS in Knot? In mathematical terms, 1 MPS = 1.94384 Knot.

To conversion value between MPS to Knot, just multiply the value by the conversion ratio. One MPS is equal to 1.94384 Knot, so use this simple formula to convert -

The value in Knot is equal to the value of MPS multiplied by 1.94384.

Knot = MPS * 1.94384;

For calculation, here's how to convert 10 MPS to Knot using the formula above -

10 MPS = (10 * 1.94384) = 19.4384 Knot

Unit Conversion
FPS 1 MPS = 3.28084 FPS
MPH 1 MPS = 2.23694 MPH

MPS (Meter/Second) Knot (kt) Conversion
1 1.94384 1 MPS = 1.94384 Knot
2 3.88768 2 MPS = 3.88768 Knot
3 5.83152 3 MPS = 5.83152 Knot
4 7.77536 4 MPS = 7.77536 Knot
5 9.7192 5 MPS = 9.7192 Knot
6 11.66304 6 MPS = 11.66304 Knot
7 13.60688 7 MPS = 13.60688 Knot
8 15.55072 8 MPS = 15.55072 Knot
9 17.49456 9 MPS = 17.49456 Knot
10 19.4384 10 MPS = 19.4384 Knot
11 21.38224 11 MPS = 21.38224 Knot
12 23.32608 12 MPS = 23.32608 Knot
13 25.26992 13 MPS = 25.26992 Knot
14 27.21376 14 MPS = 27.21376 Knot
15 29.1576 15 MPS = 29.1576 Knot
16 31.10144 16 MPS = 31.10144 Knot
17 33.04528 17 MPS = 33.04528 Knot
18 34.98912 18 MPS = 34.98912 Knot
19 36.93296 19 MPS = 36.93296 Knot
20 38.8768 20 MPS = 38.8768 Knot
21 40.82064 21 MPS = 40.82064 Knot
22 42.76448 22 MPS = 42.76448 Knot
23 44.70832 23 MPS = 44.70832 Knot
24 46.65216 24 MPS = 46.65216 Knot
25 48.596 25 MPS = 48.596 Knot
26 50.53984 26 MPS = 50.53984 Knot
27 52.48368 27 MPS = 52.48368 Knot
28 54.42752 28 MPS = 54.42752 Knot
29 56.37136 29 MPS = 56.37136 Knot
30 58.3152 30 MPS = 58.3152 Knot
31 60.25904 31 MPS = 60.25904 Knot
32 62.20288 32 MPS = 62.20288 Knot
33 64.14672 33 MPS = 64.14672 Knot
34 66.09056 34 MPS = 66.09056 Knot
35 68.0344 35 MPS = 68.0344 Knot
36 69.97824 36 MPS = 69.97824 Knot
37 71.92208 37 MPS = 71.92208 Knot
38 73.86592 38 MPS = 73.86592 Knot
39 75.80976 39 MPS = 75.80976 Knot
40 77.7536 40 MPS = 77.7536 Knot
41 79.69744 41 MPS = 79.69744 Knot
42 81.64128 42 MPS = 81.64128 Knot
43 83.58512 43 MPS = 83.58512 Knot
44 85.52896 44 MPS = 85.52896 Knot
45 87.4728 45 MPS = 87.4728 Knot
46 89.41664 46 MPS = 89.41664 Knot
47 91.36048 47 MPS = 91.36048 Knot
48 93.30432 48 MPS = 93.30432 Knot
49 95.24816 49 MPS = 95.24816 Knot
50 97.192 50 MPS = 97.192 Knot
51 99.13584 51 MPS = 99.13584 Knot
52 101.07968 52 MPS = 101.07968 Knot
53 103.02352 53 MPS = 103.02352 Knot
54 104.96736 54 MPS = 104.96736 Knot
55 106.9112 55 MPS = 106.9112 Knot
56 108.85504 56 MPS = 108.85504 Knot
57 110.79888 57 MPS = 110.79888 Knot
58 112.74272 58 MPS = 112.74272 Knot
59 114.68656 59 MPS = 114.68656 Knot
60 116.6304 60 MPS = 116.6304 Knot
61 118.57424 61 MPS = 118.57424 Knot
62 120.51808 62 MPS = 120.51808 Knot
63 122.46192 63 MPS = 122.46192 Knot
64 124.40576 64 MPS = 124.40576 Knot
65 126.3496 65 MPS = 126.3496 Knot
66 128.29344 66 MPS = 128.29344 Knot
67 130.23728 67 MPS = 130.23728 Knot
68 132.18112 68 MPS = 132.18112 Knot
69 134.12496 69 MPS = 134.12496 Knot
70 136.0688 70 MPS = 136.0688 Knot
71 138.01264 71 MPS = 138.01264 Knot
72 139.95648 72 MPS = 139.95648 Knot
73 141.90032 73 MPS = 141.90032 Knot
74 143.84416 74 MPS = 143.84416 Knot
75 145.788 75 MPS = 145.788 Knot
76 147.73184 76 MPS = 147.73184 Knot
77 149.67568 77 MPS = 149.67568 Knot
78 151.61952 78 MPS = 151.61952 Knot
79 153.56336 79 MPS = 153.56336 Knot
80 155.5072 80 MPS = 155.5072 Knot
81 157.45104 81 MPS = 157.45104 Knot
82 159.39488 82 MPS = 159.39488 Knot
83 161.33872 83 MPS = 161.33872 Knot
84 163.28256 84 MPS = 163.28256 Knot
85 165.2264 85 MPS = 165.2264 Knot
86 167.17024 86 MPS = 167.17024 Knot
87 169.11408 87 MPS = 169.11408 Knot
88 171.05792 88 MPS = 171.05792 Knot
89 173.00176 89 MPS = 173.00176 Knot
90 174.9456 90 MPS = 174.9456 Knot
91 176.88944 91 MPS = 176.88944 Knot
92 178.83328 92 MPS = 178.83328 Knot
93 180.77712 93 MPS = 180.77712 Knot
94 182.72096 94 MPS = 182.72096 Knot
95 184.6648 95 MPS = 184.6648 Knot
96 186.60864 96 MPS = 186.60864 Knot
97 188.55248 97 MPS = 188.55248 Knot
98 190.49632 98 MPS = 190.49632 Knot
99 192.44016 99 MPS = 192.44016 Knot
100 194.384 100 MPS = 194.384 Knot

The meter per second is a unit of both speed and velocity. The abbreviation for a meter per second is "m/s", and the scientific notation m s-1.

A knot is a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour, exactly 1.852 km/h and 0.5144 mps. The abbreviation for a knot is "kt".

The value in Knot is equal to the value of MPS multiplied by 1.94384.
Knot = MPS * 1.94384;

1 MPS is equal to 1.94384 Knot.

1 MPS = 1.94384 Knot.

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  • meter/second to knot
  • mps to kt
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  • mps into knot
  • convert mps to knot