Chatak is a land measurement unit, It is mainly used in Bangladesh and West Bengal (India). 1 Chatak is equal to 5 Gaj. Chatak is small area measurement unit.
Compare values between unit Chatak with other Land measurement units.
Unit | Conversion | Value | |
Acre | Chatak to Acre | → | 1 Chatak = 0.00103306 Acre |
Ankanam | Chatak to Ankanam | → | 1 Chatak = 0.625 Ankanam |
Are | Chatak to Are | → | 1 Chatak = 0.0418064 Are |
Bigha | Chatak to Bigha | → | 1 Chatak = 0.003125 Bigha |
Biswa | Chatak to Biswa | → | 1 Chatak = 0.0333333 Biswa |
Cent | Chatak to Cent | → | 1 Chatak = 0.103306 Cent |
Centiare | Chatak to Centiare | → | 1 Chatak = 4.18064 Centiare |
Decimal | Chatak to Decimal | → | 1 Chatak = 0.103306 Decimal |
Dunam | Chatak to Dunam | → | 1 Chatak = 0.00418064 Dunam |
Feddan | Chatak to Feddan | → | 1 Chatak = 0.00099539 Feddan |
Gaj | Chatak to Gaj | → | 1 Chatak = 5 Gaj |
Gajam | Chatak to Gajam | → | 1 Chatak = 5 Gajam |
Gonda | Chatak to Gonda | → | 1 Chatak = 0.0520833 Gonda |
Ground | Chatak to Ground | → | 1 Chatak = 0.01875 Ground |
Guntha | Chatak to Guntha | → | 1 Chatak = 0.0413223 Guntha |
Hectare | Chatak to Hectare | → | 1 Chatak = 0.000418064 Hectare |
Jerib | Chatak to Jerib | → | 1 Chatak = 0.00206801 Jerib |
Kanal | Chatak to Kanal | → | 1 Chatak = 0.00826446 Kanal |
Katha | Chatak to Katha | → | 1 Chatak = 0.0625 Katha |
Killa | Chatak to Killa | → | 1 Chatak = 0.00103306 Killa |
Kora | Chatak to Kora | → | 1 Chatak = 0.208333 Kora |
Marla | Chatak to Marla | → | 1 Chatak = 0.165289 Marla |
Murabba | Chatak to Murabba | → | 1 Chatak = 0.0000413223 Murabba |
Pole | Chatak to Pole | → | 1 Chatak = 0.00413223 Pole |
Rood | Chatak to Rood | → | 1 Chatak = 0.00413223 Rood |
Satak | Chatak to Satak | → | 1 Chatak = 0.103306 Satak |
Section | Chatak to Section | → | 1 Chatak = 0.00000161415 Section |
Square Centimeter | Chatak to Square Centimeter | → | 1 Chatak = 41806.4 Square Centimeter |
Square Feet | Chatak to Square Feet | → | 1 Chatak = 45 Square Feet |
Square Gaj | Chatak to Square Gaj | → | 1 Chatak = 5 Square Gaj |
Square Inch | Chatak to Square Inch | → | 1 Chatak = 6480 Square Inch |
Square Kilometer | Chatak to Square Kilometer | → | 1 Chatak = 0.00000418216 Square Kilometer |
Square Link | Chatak to Square Link | → | 1 Chatak = 103.478 Square Link |
Square Meter | Chatak to Square Meter | → | 1 Chatak = 4.18064 Square Meter |
Square Mile | Chatak to Square Mile | → | 1 Chatak = 0.00000161406 Square Mile |
Square Yard | Chatak to Square Yard | → | 1 Chatak = 5 Square Yard |
Township | Chatak to Township | → | 1 Chatak = 0.0000000448374 Township |
Vaar | Chatak to Vaar | → | 1 Chatak = 5 Vaar |
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