Biswa Conversion

Convert Biswa to other Land Units

is equal to

Biswa is a land measurement unit, It is mainly used in rural area of India. 1 Biswa is equal to 150 Gaj. Biswa is medium area measurement unit.

Compare values between unit Biswa with other Land measurement units.

Unit Conversion Value
Acre Biswa to Acre 1 Biswa = 0.0309917 Acre
Ankanam Biswa to Ankanam 1 Biswa = 18.75 Ankanam
Are Biswa to Are 1 Biswa = 1.25419 Are
Bigha Biswa to Bigha 1 Biswa = 0.09375 Bigha
Cent Biswa to Cent 1 Biswa = 3.09917 Cent
Centiare Biswa to Centiare 1 Biswa = 125.419 Centiare
Chatak Biswa to Chatak 1 Biswa = 30 Chatak
Decimal Biswa to Decimal 1 Biswa = 3.09917 Decimal
Dunam Biswa to Dunam 1 Biswa = 0.125419 Dunam
Feddan Biswa to Feddan 1 Biswa = 0.0298617 Feddan
Gaj Biswa to Gaj 1 Biswa = 150 Gaj
Gajam Biswa to Gajam 1 Biswa = 150 Gajam
Gonda Biswa to Gonda 1 Biswa = 1.5625 Gonda
Ground Biswa to Ground 1 Biswa = 0.5625 Ground
Guntha Biswa to Guntha 1 Biswa = 1.23967 Guntha
Hectare Biswa to Hectare 1 Biswa = 0.0125419 Hectare
Jerib Biswa to Jerib 1 Biswa = 0.0620404 Jerib
Kanal Biswa to Kanal 1 Biswa = 0.247934 Kanal
Katha Biswa to Katha 1 Biswa = 1.875 Katha
Killa Biswa to Killa 1 Biswa = 0.0309917 Killa
Kora Biswa to Kora 1 Biswa = 6.25 Kora
Marla Biswa to Marla 1 Biswa = 4.95866 Marla
Murabba Biswa to Murabba 1 Biswa = 0.00123967 Murabba
Pole Biswa to Pole 1 Biswa = 0.123967 Pole
Rood Biswa to Rood 1 Biswa = 0.123967 Rood
Satak Biswa to Satak 1 Biswa = 3.09917 Satak
Section Biswa to Section 1 Biswa = 0.0000484246 Section
Square Centimeter Biswa to Square Centimeter 1 Biswa = 1254190 Square Centimeter
Square Feet Biswa to Square Feet 1 Biswa = 1350 Square Feet
Square Gaj Biswa to Square Gaj 1 Biswa = 150 Square Gaj
Square Inch Biswa to Square Inch 1 Biswa = 194400 Square Inch
Square Kilometer Biswa to Square Kilometer 1 Biswa = 0.000125465 Square Kilometer
Square Link Biswa to Square Link 1 Biswa = 3104.35 Square Link
Square Meter Biswa to Square Meter 1 Biswa = 125.419 Square Meter
Square Mile Biswa to Square Mile 1 Biswa = 0.0000484218 Square Mile
Square Yard Biswa to Square Yard 1 Biswa = 150 Square Yard
Township Biswa to Township 1 Biswa = 0.00000134512 Township
Vaar Biswa to Vaar 1 Biswa = 150 Vaar

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