Centiare to Katha Conversion

1 Centiare is equal to how many Katha?

1 Centiare is equal to

0.0149499 Katha

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Centiare and Katha both are the Land measurement unit. Compare values between unit Centiare with other Land measurement units. You can also calculate other Land conversion units that are available on the select box, having on this same page.

Centiare to Katha conversion allows you to convert value between Centiare to Katha easily. Just enter the Centiare value into the input box, the system will automatically calculate Katha value. 1 Centiare in Katha? In mathematical terms, 1 Centiare = 0.0149499 Katha.

To conversion value between Centiare to Katha, just multiply the value by the conversion ratio. One Centiare is equal to 0.0149499 Katha, so use this simple formula to convert -

The value in Katha is equal to the value of Centiare multiplied by 0.0149499.

Katha = Centiare * 0.0149499;

For calculation, here's how to convert 10 Centiare to Katha using the formula above -

10 Centiare = (10 * 0.0149499) = 0.149499 Katha

Unit Conversion
Acre 1 Centiare = 0.000247105 Acre
Ankanam 1 Centiare = 0.149499 Ankanam
Are 1 Centiare = 0.01 Are
Bigha 1 Centiare = 0.000747494 Bigha
Biswa 1 Centiare = 0.00797327 Biswa
Cent 1 Centiare = 0.0247105 Cent
Chatak 1 Centiare = 0.239198 Chatak
Decimal 1 Centiare = 0.0247105 Decimal
Dunam 1 Centiare = 0.001 Dunam
Feddan 1 Centiare = 0.000238095 Feddan
Gaj 1 Centiare = 1.19599 Gaj
Gajam 1 Centiare = 1.19599 Gajam
Gonda 1 Centiare = 0.0124582 Gonda
Ground 1 Centiare = 0.00448496 Ground
Guntha 1 Centiare = 0.00988421 Guntha
Hectare 1 Centiare = 0.0001 Hectare
Jerib 1 Centiare = 0.000494665 Jerib
Kanal 1 Centiare = 0.00197684 Kanal
Killa 1 Centiare = 0.000247105 Killa
Kora 1 Centiare = 0.0498329 Kora
Marla 1 Centiare = 0.0395367 Marla
Murabba 1 Centiare = 0.00000988422 Murabba
Pole 1 Centiare = 0.000988421 Pole
Rood 1 Centiare = 0.000988421 Rood
Satak 1 Centiare = 0.0247105 Satak
Section 1 Centiare = 0.000000386102 Section
Square Centimeter 1 Centiare = 10000 Square Centimeter
Square Feet 1 Centiare = 10.7639 Square Feet
Square Gaj 1 Centiare = 1.19599 Square Gaj
Square Inch 1 Centiare = 1550 Square Inch
Square Kilometer 1 Centiare = 0.00000100036 Square Kilometer
Square Link 1 Centiare = 24.7518 Square Link
Square Meter 1 Centiare = 1 Square Meter
Square Mile 1 Centiare = 0.00000038608 Square Mile
Square Yard 1 Centiare = 1.19599 Square Yard
Township 1 Centiare = 0.000000010725 Township
Vaar 1 Centiare = 1.19599 Vaar

Centiare Katha Conversion
1 0.0149499 1 Centiare = 0.0149499 Katha
2 0.0298998 2 Centiare = 0.0298998 Katha
3 0.0448497 3 Centiare = 0.0448497 Katha
4 0.0597996 4 Centiare = 0.0597996 Katha
5 0.0747495 5 Centiare = 0.0747495 Katha
6 0.0896994 6 Centiare = 0.0896994 Katha
7 0.1046493 7 Centiare = 0.1046493 Katha
8 0.1195992 8 Centiare = 0.1195992 Katha
9 0.1345491 9 Centiare = 0.1345491 Katha
10 0.149499 10 Centiare = 0.149499 Katha
11 0.1644489 11 Centiare = 0.1644489 Katha
12 0.1793988 12 Centiare = 0.1793988 Katha
13 0.1943487 13 Centiare = 0.1943487 Katha
14 0.2092986 14 Centiare = 0.2092986 Katha
15 0.2242485 15 Centiare = 0.2242485 Katha
16 0.2391984 16 Centiare = 0.2391984 Katha
17 0.2541483 17 Centiare = 0.2541483 Katha
18 0.2690982 18 Centiare = 0.2690982 Katha
19 0.2840481 19 Centiare = 0.2840481 Katha
20 0.298998 20 Centiare = 0.298998 Katha
21 0.3139479 21 Centiare = 0.3139479 Katha
22 0.3288978 22 Centiare = 0.3288978 Katha
23 0.3438477 23 Centiare = 0.3438477 Katha
24 0.3587976 24 Centiare = 0.3587976 Katha
25 0.3737475 25 Centiare = 0.3737475 Katha
26 0.3886974 26 Centiare = 0.3886974 Katha
27 0.4036473 27 Centiare = 0.4036473 Katha
28 0.4185972 28 Centiare = 0.4185972 Katha
29 0.4335471 29 Centiare = 0.4335471 Katha
30 0.448497 30 Centiare = 0.448497 Katha
31 0.4634469 31 Centiare = 0.4634469 Katha
32 0.4783968 32 Centiare = 0.4783968 Katha
33 0.4933467 33 Centiare = 0.4933467 Katha
34 0.5082966 34 Centiare = 0.5082966 Katha
35 0.5232465 35 Centiare = 0.5232465 Katha
36 0.5381964 36 Centiare = 0.5381964 Katha
37 0.5531463 37 Centiare = 0.5531463 Katha
38 0.5680962 38 Centiare = 0.5680962 Katha
39 0.5830461 39 Centiare = 0.5830461 Katha
40 0.597996 40 Centiare = 0.597996 Katha
41 0.6129459 41 Centiare = 0.6129459 Katha
42 0.6278958 42 Centiare = 0.6278958 Katha
43 0.6428457 43 Centiare = 0.6428457 Katha
44 0.6577956 44 Centiare = 0.6577956 Katha
45 0.6727455 45 Centiare = 0.6727455 Katha
46 0.6876954 46 Centiare = 0.6876954 Katha
47 0.7026453 47 Centiare = 0.7026453 Katha
48 0.7175952 48 Centiare = 0.7175952 Katha
49 0.7325451 49 Centiare = 0.7325451 Katha
50 0.747495 50 Centiare = 0.747495 Katha
51 0.7624449 51 Centiare = 0.7624449 Katha
52 0.7773948 52 Centiare = 0.7773948 Katha
53 0.7923447 53 Centiare = 0.7923447 Katha
54 0.8072946 54 Centiare = 0.8072946 Katha
55 0.8222445 55 Centiare = 0.8222445 Katha
56 0.8371944 56 Centiare = 0.8371944 Katha
57 0.8521443 57 Centiare = 0.8521443 Katha
58 0.8670942 58 Centiare = 0.8670942 Katha
59 0.8820441 59 Centiare = 0.8820441 Katha
60 0.896994 60 Centiare = 0.896994 Katha
61 0.9119439 61 Centiare = 0.9119439 Katha
62 0.9268938 62 Centiare = 0.9268938 Katha
63 0.9418437 63 Centiare = 0.9418437 Katha
64 0.9567936 64 Centiare = 0.9567936 Katha
65 0.9717435 65 Centiare = 0.9717435 Katha
66 0.9866934 66 Centiare = 0.9866934 Katha
67 1.0016433 67 Centiare = 1.0016433 Katha
68 1.0165932 68 Centiare = 1.0165932 Katha
69 1.0315431 69 Centiare = 1.0315431 Katha
70 1.046493 70 Centiare = 1.046493 Katha
71 1.0614429 71 Centiare = 1.0614429 Katha
72 1.0763928 72 Centiare = 1.0763928 Katha
73 1.0913427 73 Centiare = 1.0913427 Katha
74 1.1062926 74 Centiare = 1.1062926 Katha
75 1.1212425 75 Centiare = 1.1212425 Katha
76 1.1361924 76 Centiare = 1.1361924 Katha
77 1.1511423 77 Centiare = 1.1511423 Katha
78 1.1660922 78 Centiare = 1.1660922 Katha
79 1.1810421 79 Centiare = 1.1810421 Katha
80 1.195992 80 Centiare = 1.195992 Katha
81 1.2109419 81 Centiare = 1.2109419 Katha
82 1.2258918 82 Centiare = 1.2258918 Katha
83 1.2408417 83 Centiare = 1.2408417 Katha
84 1.2557916 84 Centiare = 1.2557916 Katha
85 1.2707415 85 Centiare = 1.2707415 Katha
86 1.2856914 86 Centiare = 1.2856914 Katha
87 1.3006413 87 Centiare = 1.3006413 Katha
88 1.3155912 88 Centiare = 1.3155912 Katha
89 1.3305411 89 Centiare = 1.3305411 Katha
90 1.345491 90 Centiare = 1.345491 Katha
91 1.3604409 91 Centiare = 1.3604409 Katha
92 1.3753908 92 Centiare = 1.3753908 Katha
93 1.3903407 93 Centiare = 1.3903407 Katha
94 1.4052906 94 Centiare = 1.4052906 Katha
95 1.4202405 95 Centiare = 1.4202405 Katha
96 1.4351904 96 Centiare = 1.4351904 Katha
97 1.4501403 97 Centiare = 1.4501403 Katha
98 1.4650902 98 Centiare = 1.4650902 Katha
99 1.4800401 99 Centiare = 1.4800401 Katha
100 1.49499 100 Centiare = 1.49499 Katha
200 2.98998 200 Centiare = 2.98998 Katha
300 4.48497 300 Centiare = 4.48497 Katha
400 5.97996 400 Centiare = 5.97996 Katha
500 7.47495 500 Centiare = 7.47495 Katha
600 8.96994 600 Centiare = 8.96994 Katha
700 10.46493 700 Centiare = 10.46493 Katha
800 11.95992 800 Centiare = 11.95992 Katha
900 13.45491 900 Centiare = 13.45491 Katha
1000 14.9499 1000 Centiare = 14.9499 Katha

A Centiare is a unit of area used in the metric system. The abbreviation for Centiare is "ca". 1 Centiare is equal to 1 Square Meter (sq mt).

A Katha is a unit of the area mostly used for land measure in Eastern India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. After metrication in the mid-20th century by both countries, the unit became officially obsolete.

The value in Katha is equal to the value of Centiare multiplied by 0.0149499.
Katha = Centiare * 0.0149499;

1 Centiare is equal to 0.0149499 Katha.

1 Centiare = 0.0149499 Katha.

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